Today, I will be attending the inaugural COER International Research Symposium at the Center for open education research at the University of Oldenburg. This is a particularly interesting event for me. Partially, due to my interest in open education. I have been codesigning and codeveloping open courses such as Understanding Customer Experience, Idea management and Servitization, at Karlstad University. In the future, I would like to direct my research activities more into this path. Partially, as the Center is soon starting a very interesting Master Program on Management on Technology-Enhanced Learning (MTEL), a program which I am thinking about enrolling to. The ice on the cake for me is though the location. Oldenburg is just a 30 minute drive from my hometown, Wilhelmshaven. It is a perfect opportunity for me to combine my professional and private life and I do hope that this will be the first of many visits to the COER.