
I conduct my research at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University. My research interests are customer behavior and customer experience. More specifically, I focus on the active role that the customer has as a co-producer of the customer experience and the role of the physical service environment. Below you can find an overview of my publications. You might also want to check my google scholar profile.

  • Pareigis, J., Kvarnström, M., Cefa, B., Bai, J. Y. H., Zawacki-Richter, O., Uhlin, L., Jakobsson, N., & Theilmeier, G. (2024). Open networked learning–a course, a community, an approach. International journal for academic development, 29(2), 169–184. [PDF] [HTML]
  • Creelman, A., Kvarnström, M., Pareigis, J., Uhlin, L., & Åbjörnsson, L. (2021). Problem-based learning in international online groups. In Designing Courses with Digital Technologies. Taylor & Francis. [PDF]
  • Otterbring, T., Bodin Danielsson, C., & Pareigis, J. (2021). Office types and workers’ cognitive vs affective evaluations from a noise perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology36(4), 415-431. [PDF]
  • Otterbring, T., Pareigis, J., Wästlund, E., Makrygiannis, A., & Lindström, A. (2018). The relationship between office type and job satisfaction: Testing a multiple mediation model through ease of interaction and well-being. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health44(3), 330–334. [PDF]
  • Bani-Hani, I., Pareigis, J., Tona, O., & Carlsson, S. (2018). A holistic view of value generation process in a SSBI environment: a service dominant logic perspective. Journal of Decision Systems, 1–10. [HTML]
  • Isaksson, R., Garvare, R., Johnson, M., Kuttainen, C., & Pareigis, J. (2015). Sustaining Sweden’s competitive position: lean lifelong learning. Measuring Business Excellence19(1), 92–102. [PDF]
  • Pareigis, J. (2014). The Service Environment – From Impacting the Customer to Facilitating the Customer Experience. In Customer Experience Management: Enhancing Experience and Value through Service Management (p. 420). Kendall Hunt Publishing. [AMAZON]
  • Olsson, L. E., Friman, M., Pareigis, J., & Edvardsson, B. (2012). Measuring service experience: Applying the satisfaction with travel scale in public transport. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services19(4), 413–418. [PDF]
  • Pareigis, J. (2012). Customer experiences of resource integration: Reframing servicescapes using scripts and practices. Karlstads universitet. [HTML]
  • Pareigis, J., Echeverri, P., & Edvardsson, B. (2012). Exploring internal mechanisms forming customer servicescape experiences. Journal of Service Management23(5), 677–695. [PDF]
  • Pareigis, J., Edvardsson, B., & Enquist, B. (2011). Exploring the role of the service environment in forming customer’s service experience. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences3(1), 110–124. [HTML]
  • Kruger, N., & Pareigis, J. (2009). Influencing car buying decisions from an environmental perspective-a conceptual framework based on real option analysis. In European Transport Conference. [PDF]

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